The Carrot Seed是一本內容淺顯易懂的書,
But good things come to those who wait.
今天的Warm-Up Song是"This is the way we plant out seeds",
旋律是"Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush"。
This is the way we plant our seeds,
Plant our seeds, plant our seeds.
This is the way we plant our seeds,
Early in the morning.
This is the way the wind does blow,
Wind does blow, wind does blow.
This is the way the wind does blow,
Early in the morning.
This is the way the rain comes down,
Rain comes down, rain comes down.
This is the way the rain comes down,
Early in the morning.
This is the way the sun shines bright,
Sun shines bright, sun shines bright.
This is the way the sun shines bright,
Early in the morning.
This is the way the seed grows up,
Seed grows up, seed grows up.
This is the way the seed grows up,
Early in the morning.
This is the way we hoe the soil,
Hoe the soil, hoe the soil.
This is the way we hoe the soil,
Early in the morning.
This is the way we pick our beans,
Pick our beans, pick our beans.
This is the way we pick our beans,
Early in the morning
What is the little boy up to?
Craft time!
Justin with his own carrot!